For Children and Youth

The Momentary Emotion Assessment Tool

The purpose of the Momentary Emotion Assessment Tool is to track how students feel and how they respond to their emotions at school.

This tool could be used by researchers and educators to understand momentary emotions and how they change, and also to capture the effects of interventions designed to improve students’ experiences at school. The tool will also provide students with individual reports and in-the-moment feedback on how to improve their emotional experiences.

Schools will receive reports of similar information, but with results aggregated across students, and with resources for supporting students. Data collected through the process of validating this tool will contribute scientific insights to how adolescents’ momentary emotions vary across time, physical setting, activity, social company, and based on their responses to their emotions. These data can also be used to evaluate how emotional experiences differ across different students.

Baumsteiger, R., Garcia, B., Cipriano, C., Hoffmann, J. D., Willner, C. J., & Brackett, M. A. (under review). Assessing adolescents’ momentary emotions and emotion regulation at school: A systematic review and future directions.


  • Baumsteiger, R., Garcia, B., Cipriano, C., Hoffmann, J. D., Willner, C. J., & Brackett, M. A. (2020, January). How do teens feel at school? New directions for assessing momentary emotional experiences. Poster presented at the Western Positive Psychology Association Conference, Claremont.

  • Garcia, B., Baumsteiger, R., Hoffmann, J. D., & Brackett, M. A. (2020, April). Testing the directional influences between interpersonal relationships and emotion regulation: Support for a new approach. Poster presented at the annual Society for Affective Science Convention, San Francisco. (online)

  • Hoffmann, J. D., Baumsteiger, R., Hills, E. & Brackett, M. A. (2020, April). A web-based, student-centered approach to school climate measurement. In Cipriano, C. (Chair), The development and initial validation of four ecologically valid, multidimensional, and scalable SEL assessment tools [Symposium]. American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (conference cancelled due to COVID)

  • Hoffmann, J. D., McGarry, J., & Baumsteiger, R. (2020, October). Tools for assessing and addressing adolescents’ emotional experiences at school [Workshop]. Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) Exchange, Virtual. (conference cancelled due to COVID)

  • Baumsteiger, R., Willner, C., Hoffmann, J. D., Cipriano, C., Garcia, B., Tan, V., & Brackett, M. A. (2020, November). Adolescents’ emotions and emotion regulation during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Poster presented at the Yale Child Studies Center 2020 Associates Week.
