Journal Articles
Baumsteiger, R. Hoffmann, J. D., Seibyl, J., Rose, B., & Brackett, M. A. (2023).
A Systematic Review of Secondary School Climate Assessments, Educational Psychology Review, 35, 47.
Educational Psychology Review
Baumsteiger, R. Hoffmann, J. D., Seibyl, J., Rose, B., & Brackett, M. A. (Revise & Resubmit).
Understanding and Improving School Climate: A Systematic Review of Assessments and Recommended Next Steps.
Baumsteiger, R., Garcia, B., Cipriano, C., Hoffmann, J. D., Willner, C. J., & Brackett, M. A. (Manuscript in preparation).
Assessing adolescents’ momentary emotions and emotion regulation at school: A systematic review and future directions.
De France, K. & Hoffmann, J. D.
(Revise & Resubmit).
Disparities in school experience for minoritized students during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Nature: Science of Learning
De France, K. & Hoffmann, J. D.
(Under Review).
SES and academic outcomes: the role of negative and positive emotions.
Journal of Research on Adolescence
De France, K., Lucas, M., van Anders, S., Cipriano, C. (Under Review)
Measuring gender in elementary school-aged children: Promising practices and barriers to moving beyond the binary.
American Psychologist
Hoffmann, J. D., Baumsteiger, R., Seibyl, J., Hills, E., Bradley, C., Cipriano, C., & Brackett, M. A. (2022).
Building useful, web-based educational assessment tools for students, with students: A demonstration with The School Climate Walkthrough. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice.
Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice
Hoffmann, J., De France, K., McGarry, J. (2022).
Creativity, Compassion, and Connection: The Impact of inspirED with Secondary School Students.
Journal of Intelligence, 11 (1), 8.
Hoffmann, J. D., Baumsteiger, R., Seibyl, J., Hills, E., Bradley, C., Cipriano, C., & Brackett, M. A. (Manuscript in prep).
Building Useful, Web-based Educational Measures for Students, with Students: An Illustrative Demonstration with the The School Climate Walkthrough Tool for High Schools Developing more useful measures: Building a web-based application for assessing school climate in secondary schools.
Ng, Z. J., Willner, C. J., Mannweiler, M. D., Hoffmann, J. D., Bailey, C. S., & Cipriano, C. (2022).
A systematic review of emotion regulation assessments in U.S. schools: Bridging the gap between researchers and educators.
Educational Psychology Review
Ng, Z. J., Lin, S., Cipriano, C. (Revise & Resubmit).
Measurement Invariance of the Children’s Social Desirability Scale – Short version (CSD-S) across Gender, Grade Level, and Race/Ethnicity.
Ng, Z. J., Willner, C.J., Hoffmann, J.D., Cipriano, C., Lucas, M., Mack, V. (In Prep).
The Development of the Student Emotion Regulation Assessment (SERA).
Ng, Z. J., Lin, S., Cipriano, C. (In Prep).
Emotion-Specificity in Emotion Regulation: Links to Psychosocial and Academic Functioning in Early Adolescence.
Developmental Psychology or Journal of Research on Adolescence
Ng, Z. J., Willner, C. J., Mannweiler, M. D., Bailey, C. S., Hoffmann, J. D., & Cipriano, C. (in prep).
A review of emotion regulation assessment in schools.
Willner, C. J., Hoffmann, J. D., Bailey, C. S., Harrison, A. P., Garcia, B., Ng, Z. J., Cipriano, C., Brackett, M. A. (2022).
The development of cognitive reappraisal from early childhood through adolescence: A systematic review and methodological recommendations.
Frontiers In Psychology
Scholarly Presentations
Associations between socioeconomic status and student outcomes: Assessing the mediating role of negative and positive emotions. In De France, K. (chair) Associations between Exposure to Adversity and Child Well-Being: Assessing the Role of Emotion Regulation.
De France, K., Hoffmann, J. (2022, May).
Conference Symposium. Association for Psychological Science (APS), Chicago, USA.
Associations between SES and student outcomes: The mediating roles of negative and positive emotions. In De France, K. & Baumsteiger, R. (co-chairs) Adolescents' affective experiences: The influence of home, school, technology, and a school-based program.
De France, K., Hoffmann, J. (2022, July).
Conference Symposium. International Society of Research on Emotion (ISRE), Los Angeles, USA.
Measuring gender in elementary school-aged children: promising practices and barriers to moving beyond the binary. [Paper Session as part of Strengths-Based Student Profiles in School-Based SEL Assessments: Opportunities and Challenges].
De France, K., Lucas, M. (2024, accepted).
Conference Symposium. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (AERA), Philadelphia, PA.
Case Studies of SEL Implementation Partnerships Centering Racial Equity.
Etienne, A., Foster, B., Ellis, T., Cipriano, C. (2023, November).
Presentation. Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) Exchange, Chicago, IL.
Hoffmann, J., Baumsteiger, R., & Seibyl, J. (2022, April).
School Climate Walkthrough measure: A validation study.
Paper presentation. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego.
Hoffmann, J. & Baumsteiger, R. (2022, July).
School climate and students’ emotional experiences: Which practices really matter? In R. Baumsteiger and K. De France (chairs), Adolescents' affective experiences: The influence of home, school, technology, and a school-based program.
[Conference Symposium]. International Society for Research on Emotion Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA.
Hoffmann, J. D., De France, K., Seibyl, J., Orleck-Jetter, R., Castillo Gualda, R., & Brackett, M. (2022, August).
The role of creativity in effective cognitive reappraisal among adolescents. In J. Hoffmann and Z. J. Ng (chairs), Assessing emotion regulation in schools: Tools for supporting the emotional health of adolescents.
Conference symposium. American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.
Hoffmann, J. D. (2022, December).
The impact of inspirED: Creativity, Connection, Compassion.
Presentation at the International Society for the Study of Creativity and Innovation (ISSCI) Online Symposium, Creativity in Education. Hosted by UC Louvain, Paris, France.
Mack, V. (2023, November).
How Research Practice Partnerships Support SEL Implementation: A Case Study.
Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) Exchange, Chicago, IL.
McGarry, J., Hoffmann, J. D., Gonzalez, L., Lucchesi, M., & Suitts, D. (2022, July).
Empowering students, empowering teacher leadership: Experiences addressing school climate through student voice.
Virtual presentation. National Network of State Teachers of the Year Conference.
Willner, C. J., Hoffmann, J. D., Bailey, C. S., Harrison, A. P., Garcia, B., & Brackett, M. A. (2020, April).
Developing an assessment of students’ cognitive emotion regulation skills for use in elementary school through high school.
Presentation at the 2020 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.